When students come to me and need help addressing their aches and pains, Lauren is the #1 bodyworker that I send them to. She has the ability to look at a body and see things that are elusive to the untrained eye and are certainly hidden from the body that inhabits the pain-inducing pattern. Her curious mind is skilled at recreating the story that got one into the postural misalignment and corresponding pain that she observes, and then is committed to bringing the body out of its pattern and away from pain. One of the things that I appreciate most about Lauren’s work is that she not only works to reeducate the client’s body so that it can thrive upon a more stable platform, but she takes the time to educate each client’s mind so that they understand what their habits are, where their body likes to live, why it likes to live there, and how changing one’s postural habits will help them live in a more centered, pain-free place. Essentially she asks you to live and move more consciously, and then provides you with the tools to do just that. As a teacher, Lauren has helped me to understand the anatomy of the body in a completely approachable way, something that I have been able to pass onto my students and incorporate into my sequencing. She is passionate about her work and a valuable part of Kula’s 200-hour teacher training program. I value her relationships based perspective of the human body and consider her a gift to the Kula community at large.